6 Tips For Simplifying Your Life

Does life ever feel too complicated? There’s always so much to do and you never seem to have time to spend on the things that matter the most to you. 

I know the feeling well. Sometimes, our lives - and minds - become so cluttered that we wish we could hit the reset button and start over! 

Well, as far as I know...there isn’t such a button. But a few changes that create a little space and order in your day can help to ease the pressure reduce your stress levels!   

I always find that it helps to simplify one area of life at a time, starting with the ones that are causing the most anxiety or stress. If you’re not sure where to begin, then start a ‘stress list’ and for the next few days write down everything that is causing overwhelm or anxiety.

Then, review your list and let it point you in the right direction.     

There’s a lot to be said for living a simpler life and feeling that things are in order. It’s common to feel much calmer, reduce your stress levels and even feel an increased sense of confidence..

There are so many ways to start simplifying your life, and every step - no matter how small makes a difference. The best thing is that many of these tips will help you feel more positive right away - try giving one of them a try today…

You can do this in all areas of your life. I like to start with physical clutter because it lightens the energy, creates space and welcomes more abundance into your life. Start wherever you can; kitchen cupboards, wardrobes, bookcases, drawers - maybe even the loft space if you’re feeling brave! Please donate everything that’s in great shape (or hasn’t been used) because it can bring joy to someone else...and then recycle what’s left.

Decluttering can feel overwhelming to some of us and so please take it slowly if you need to and acknowledge your emotions as you go. It can be a very therapeutic process because letting go of physical clutter often allows us to release some of the emotional baggage that is tied up in it. 

After decluttering it can be helpful to refresh the energy of your home with our Home Cleansing Ritual Kit.     

I do this once a quarter because a full inbox creates distraction and disorder. If you receive emails that you never read or mark to read later - but never do - then, unsubscribe and stop your inbox from becoming so cluttered. 

If this is all you do today to help simplify your life then I promise you’ll feel better straight away...just think of the time that it will save in the long run.  

Wouldn’t you love more time? Well, learning how to disconnect from your devices, is one way to create it.

Now, I love technology but it can be a drain on your energy and time. Time spent on devices can easily spill over into precious hours that we could be spending with loved ones or on increasing our own self care and wellbeing. 

I’ve been conscious of this myself recently, and have created clear boundaries around the usage of devices both at home and work. I never check my phone until mid morning and then later I put it in a drawer so that I can enjoy my evening without distractions. It’s been proven that for this to work we have to put our phone somewhere that we can’t see it otherwise you’ll be tempted to pick it up! 

Creating time every day to disconnect feels liberating, quiets your mind and helps you focus on what’s really important. I encourage you to give it a try - you’ll be amazed how good it feels.  


You know that I’m an advocate for us all to create more time for ourselves, but how does creating time for wellbeing help to simplify your life? Well, as we take the time to step back and nourish our body, mind and spirit we become clearer about our path; the things that matter to us and those that don’t.

This clarity helps us to see what is no longer serving us and gives us the strength to remove it from our lives thus creating a more simple and harmonious lifestyle.

For me, I use meditation, yoga and EFT to keep my wellbeing on track but we all find nourishment from different sources. Try a few things and when you find something that works for you then be consistent with your practice.

If creating time for yourself is new to you, then take a look at my earlier post for a few more tips on getting started

Eating on the fly, often has us reaching for what’s convenient rather than what’s best for our health. That’s okay once in a while but it’s not ideal in the long term! It sounds simple but it can be so helpful to plan a few healthy meals for the week ahead so that you can be sure to pick up or order the ingredients that you. need.

Not only does this simplify your day but it makes your evenings less stressful and adds to your overall health and wellness. Don’t forget to include a few lunchtime ideas to save you picking up lunch on the move - when you’re often too hungry to say no to the extra sugary snacks!

I’ve saved this one until last because it can take a bit more work than the others.  Take a moment and think about this...do you often say yes to things and regret it afterwards?

I’ve done this more times than I can count and yet still every once in a while I’ll slip up and do it again. I’m sure you know the feeling well.  Giving ourselves the permission to say no to things that we don’t want to do, or you don’t have time for is okay...and you have no reason to feel guilty.  Saying no can take some practice and so here are a few tips on going about it

You don’t have to say no to everything. But, by reducing a few commitments or not taking on any new ones, you’ll begin to simplify your time and create space in your life for things that help to increase your health and happiness. 

So, that was just a few ways to help you get started on simplifying your life. If they brought up any feeling of overwhelm then take it slowly...remember that every step you take makes a difference and over time you’ll see and feel the benefits.

Pick one way to get started today and look forward to a happier, simpler life.  


Co – Founder of holistic skincare brand, Pure Thoughts and advocate for women finding pause in their day to breathe deeply, give thanks and reconnect to what matters. Loves early mornings, dogs and books that you can’t put down.

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